Pinsent: your help needed!

Most of us know how much our Scouts, Cubs and Beavers value the time they are able to spend up at Pinsent camp. Whether it’s crate-stacking, fire lighting, hiking, camping or some other activity, Pinsent is a marvellous resource. However, like all marvellous resources, it doesn’t run itself.

Winchester District regularly runs working weekends to help maintain the site and ensure it is safe and enjoyable for all its users. The next such weekend is scheduled for the 14th-15th October 2017. The 12th Winchester Scout Group has been allocated the 10am-12 noon slot on Sunday 15th October. We need a minimum of ten adult volunteers to help refurbish the individual camp sites. The work will include removing sycamore seedlings and saplings, clearing logs and returning them to the woodpile, spreading bark chippings over footpaths, and fencing. Children are also welcome, and can be found appropriate tasks to assist…..

Please, please, please don’t leave it up to the leaders! Find some boots, a thick pair of gardening gloves and come and join us for a couple of hours. If you can help, please let your child’s leader know or post on the FB page.

Look forward to seeing you there on the 15th!

Ladybird’s advice on how to iron a necker

It’s the Remembrance Day service this Sunday (the 13th) at Winchester Cathedral. We often say how it’s the highlight of our Scouting calendar – and it is. It is a real privilege to stand at the memorial with the Green Jackets and, as such, we need to look the part. This means full uniform for all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, with ironed neckers.

Here, for avoidance of doubt, is Ladybird’s guide to ironing your necker:

  1. Iron flat
  2. Place triangle on board with point at bottom
  3. Fold over top by 1cm and iron
  4. Continue to fold and iron a 1cm strip until the badge is reached

Properly done, it will take around 15 minutes but should keep the necker in immaculate condition for two years!

On Sunday, please meet outside the West Door of the Cathedral at 8.45am. The ceremony will start at 9am and finish by 9.20am. 

Summer 2016 Cub camp

cub-camp-brownsea-island    cub-camp-campfire

The sea off Brownsea Island looks Mediterranean blue in the photos. General consensus was that the Cubs’ summer 2016 camp was “scorchio”. The Pack made the most of all that beautiful weather with a hike along the Clarendon Way, their visit to Brownsea Island, crate stacking, cub-dunking (don’t ask), plenty of campfires and, for brief respite from the heat, if not the noise, a trip to Oxygen freejumping in Southampton.

Huge thanks to all the leaders for making the week happen. The Cubs are still talking about it.

What a Cub Mum said…..

‘Everything started, “Mum, the best thing was…..”’

What the Cubs said….

‘I had a plaster but it’s much better and everything was so much fun!’

‘The fish and chips were amazing!’

Sailing at Spinnaker Lake

beaver-sailing-2        beaver-sailing

Rafting, kayaking and sailing…..our Beavers tried all of them one grey July day. Suitably garbed in wetsuits and life jackets, the colony did its very best to emulate their watery namesakes. New skills were acquired, new alliances made (‘I’ll sit this side, you sit there and we’ll both try not to fall overboard’) and, at the end of it all, another of Slug’s legendary barbecues fortified the tired and soggy sailors with pemmican and ships’ biscuits (aka sausages and cake).

Our thanks to everyone at Spinnaker for such a brilliant – and bargainous – day out!

What the Beavers said…..

“Our group fell in the water….because we wanted to!”

“I liked the barbecue afterwards. I had four sausages!”

“I got really wet but I didn’t mind because it was fun and I had a nice warm shower when we’d finished.”

“Can I go next year?”

The Cub Scout Promise

These are the different alternative variations of the Promise for Cubs Scouts available since 2013:

Core Promise

I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to God and to the Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law

Christian, Jew & Sikh:

I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to God and to Queen
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law


On My honour…
In the name of Allah, the
Most Beneficent the Most

I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to God and to the Queen
or duty to Allah and to the Queen

to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law


I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to God and to the
duty to my Dharma and to the Queen

to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law

Humanist, atheist or no faith:

I promise that I will do my best
To uphold our Scout
values, to do my duty to the
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law

For more details please see the

Trip to Ypres

We have been offered the opportunity to join the 1st and the 5th on their trip to Ypres at the end of half term (2nd to 3rd November). We will take the Eurotunnel, and stay overnight in a hostel. The price will be approx £85 per Cub, and you will also need a passport. Anyone who would like to attend please either contact us or email the organiser direct on