You may be moving on from our Beaver Colony, or may be completely new to scouting. This booklet is designed to give you and your parents/guardians the information that you need to enjoy Cubs here at the 12th, and explain some of those Scouty things.
The Scout Group is comprised of the Beaver Colony, Cub Pack, Scout Troop and the Group Executive – consisting of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, the Group Scout Leader, Section Leaders, and a Parent Representative. The Group Executive Committee meet regularly and its responsibilities include management of group property, raising of funds and the management of group finance.
The Group is part of Winchester District which includes Groups form all over Winchester. All the sections take part in district activities throughout the year.
The stated aim of The Scout Association is to “promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities”, and we do this through our programme of activities. Hopefully by the time our Cubs are ready to go onto Scouts they are more independent and responsible for themselves, and can look back on a lot of achievement, new skills and personal growth.
Pack meetings usually take place in the HQ or at Pinsent Campsite. Check the term calendar for details. Please do not drop the Cubs off without checking that at least 2 leaders are present, you may need to wait.
Bring with you (sometimes different if we are not meeting in the HQ):
(Wear) your uniform top, neckerchief and activity trousers.
‘pack’ – plastic wallet containing your powerpack, notepad, & pencil.
outdoor coat
essential medication (inhalers, epipens etc)
When you first join Cubs you will be put into a small group of Cubs called a ‘Six’. Each Six is led by a Sixer and the Sixer is helped by the Seconder. When you first join the Pack your Sixer will look after you and help you to settle in. Most Pack meetings start with the Grand Howl, which you do not take part in until you are invested. Then we break the Flag. After this we usually have Inspection, and then it’s time for the games and activities planned for the evening. We finish at the end of the meeting by lowering the flag, collecting in any points awarded during the evening and giving out notices/reminders.
If you need to speak with a leader about anything then after the end of the meeting is best. If you are not able to be there then contact details for the leaders are on the front inside cover of this booklet.
Our terms programme is usually sent home in each cub’s pack at the start of term, and is also available on-line on our website. This is complete as we know it at the time, but sometimes changes have to be made. The programme on-line is regularly updated, as is the noticeboard in the HQ. If we need to change something at short notice then we will call or text you. We would like to be able to send e-mails to notify of last minute changes as it saves a lot of phone calls – please make sure you have given us an up-to-date e-mail address that you check regularly.
Subs for the all Sections are payable termly. Some of this money will go to District, County and national funds, and the rest we use for running our programme, buying new equipment, keeping our hall in good order etc.
Our accounts are available on-line to members of the Group. You will have been given a Gift Aid form, to make your money go further at no cost to yourself (for taxpayers only).
If you are having trouble paying, or need to delay paying for some reason, please speak in confidence to one of the Leaders.
Please make cheques payable to “12th Winchester (Green Jackets) Scout Group”.
One of the forms that we ask you to fill out includes details of health conditions. This is confidential information, but we do need it to be able to take care of your son/daughter responsibly while they are with us. If any emergency arises during a meeting or camp that is beyond simple first aid then you will be notified immediately and appropriate medical advice will be sought. All Leaders hold a first aid certificate.
If your son/daughter uses an inhaler or epipen please make sure that they have it with them for all meetings. No other medication should need to be bought to a meeting, or would be administered. Other arrangements exist for camps/overnight activities.
If you have any concerns about support your son/daughter may need during a meeting please speak to one of the Leaders so that we can discuss it. It is also helpful to know about conditions such as ADHD, bed wetting, night terrors and so on. It is easier to cope with known problems rather than unanticipated surprises!
Please make sure that health information is kept up to date.
Many people like to try out Cubs for a few weeks to see what it is like. During this time you as a parent are welcome to spend the evening with us to see what goes on. We ask you to fill in a couple of forms with membership details, essential health information and a gift aid declaration. Please return these as soon as possible.
If you would like to become part of the Cub Pack after the first few weeks then you are Invested. This is a short ceremony where you make your Promise as a Cub and join the Pack. We ask your parents/guardians to come along, and together with the other ‘Tenderpads’ (new Cubs) you say the Cub Promise and Law in front of the pack. This is a solemn ceremony, as we expect you to live up to these promises. Beforehand, Akela will discuss with you what it means to you. Scouting in the UK is open to all faiths and variations to the Scout Promise are allowed in order to accommodate those of different religious obligations or national allegiances.
The Cub Scout Promise
I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to God and to The Queen,
to help other people
and to keep the Cub Scout Law.
The Cub Scout Law
Cub Scouts always do their best,
think of others before themselves
and do a good turn every day.
Before you are invested you will need to get your uniform, and complete the Cub Scout Membership Award to get to know us.
Please note, subs become due after you are invested or by half term if investiture is missed.
You can get your uniform as soon as you know that you want to join Cubs permanently. Uniforms can be bought from:
Scoutshops (on-line): http://www.scoutshops.com/
Eastleigh Scout Shop (Scout Headquarters, Allbrook Hill)
Open: Thursday Evenings, 6pm till 8pm and Saturday Afternoons, 2pm till 4pm
John Lewis
You will need a Cub Sweatshirt, and preferably Activity Trousers. Neckers are only available through the Group, as each Group has a different design. Beavers who have come up within the group can wear their old necker. Otherwise we will supply the Group Necker together with badge for £9.50 when you are invested.
When you are invested you will be given your Membership Badge, Group Name tape, District & County badges, and Beaver Moving on Award (if applicable) to sew on your uniform.
If you were a Beaver, you may transfer some of your badges from
your Beaver uniform to your Cub uniform – these are: the Chief Scout’s Bronze Award, Joining in Badges, Staged activity badges (the blue ones!). All your other badges you can put on your camp blanket.
Once you have started to earn badges these go either on your right chest for diamond challenge badges, or left sleeve for round red or blue activity badges.
There are Activity Badges (red or blue, circular), such as Camper and Chef, and Challenge Badges (red, diamond shaped) to earn. The Challenge Badges go towards gaining the highest award for a Cub, the Chief Scout’s Silver Award.
We do some activities in our weekly meetings that go towards badges, but usually they include some independent work to be done by the Cub on their own.
Badges are awarded for effort and achievement – not just turning up!
We keep our records but also expect the Cubs to begin to record what they have done as well. They can use their powerpacks to record things they have done – writing in an activity and date helps. Also, if something is achieved at home then you can countersign it. We encourage all Cubs to select the badges they would like to achieve, and work towards them independently, giving them opportunities to present badgework at meetings.
We go camping several times a year – in the summer usually with the Scouts, and in the Autumn with other Cubs from the District. We usually go for a week in the summer – enough time to make it worthwhile putting the tents up! This is a great opportunity for your son/daughter to practice being independent, and experience something totally new. Some Cubs have never been away from home before, and usually come back having loved it. That is not to say that there is never some homesickness, but all the Leaders have children of their own, and are experienced in supporting the Cubs to enjoy their time away. Camping requires some kit, but if you do not have something, it can usually be borrowed from the Group as we have some spares. A kit list is sent home before each camp, and the Cubs are encouraged to help pack their own kit. This way they know what they have with them, and what it might look like – that’s the theory anyway!
Time is limited at most evening meetings, so we don’t tend to stop for refreshments unless it is part of the programme. Your child is very welcome to bring a (named) waterbottle to the meeting to help themselves to when they need. We find this is a much more efficient approach, and enables us to do more scouting.
When you are 10, or 10 1/2 it is time to think about moving on. You have probably grown beyond what Cubs can offer you, and are looking forward to the new challenges offered by Scouts. Akela will let you know when he thinks you are ready, and usually tries to make sure that a group of cubs move up together at the same time. You will go to Cubs and Scouts for about 6 weeks while you prepare to be invested as a Scout.
In the first instance please speak to any of the Leaders. If this is not satisfactory, or you feel that this is not possible then you can ask to speak to the Group Scout Leader David Bannister.
We hope the information in this booklet has been of interest to you. Please feel free to speak to any uniformed leader if you have any questions.