Members Expenses
Members, both uniformed and non-uniformed, will sometimes incur expenses whilst going about the Group’s business. The Group would like to ensure that, as far as is reasonably practical, they are reimbursed for those significant expenses. The general principle is that whilst cost should not be a deterrent to the effective execution of a volunteer appointment, no person will obtain a benefit from expenses payments.
Expense payments will be a reimbursement of actual costs, which are reasonable and are incurred wholly, exclusively and necessarily for the carrying out of the member role in relation to the task agreed with the Group. All expense claims need to be written documents, including all details of the expenditure incurred, the date, nature and amount of expenditure.
Volunteers may consider that they do not need / wish to claim against all of the items they could. In these cases, we would encourage volunteers to claim their expenses in full and then make an equivalent value donation to the Group, and gift-aiding such donations. The Group Trustees are grateful to volunteers for their continued efforts to keep the running costs to a minimum.
Expense claims should be made using the standard Excel form provided and should remain within the following framework of rules outlined below:
- As far as reasonably practical, cash should not be used for large purchases: all expenses (other than occasional small purchases of less than £10) should be made using a debit or credit card, cheques or invoicing direct to the treasurer.
- All expenses should be supported by receipts.
- Any expense claim without a receipt must approved by the GSL or AGSL, and Treasurer prior to payment. This expense claim will then need to be approved by the Executive Committee
- Expenses of more than £75 should be agreed beforehand with the GSL and/or the Treasurer
- “Budgeted” week-to-week expenses incurred by the sections do not need to be agreed by the Executive.
- The expenses policy should be followed if it is necessary for parents or other helpers to spend money on behalf of the Group
- We aim to pay expenses within two weeks. Wherever possible, claims should be made within one month of purchase.
Here follows a table which will enable members to ascertain whether or not the Group will cover expenses, subject to prior discussion and arrangement with the GSL and/or Treasurer:
Expenditure | Expenses covered? |
Equipment, consumable items and groceries purchased for use in
1. Normal evening or weekend-based youth work 2. Residential activities – camps and sleepovers 3. Fund-raising activities e.g. Donkey Derby and Bike Sale |
All costs including fuel for rental vehicles for use on fund raising, residential activities and youth work, including Collision Damage Waiver and other insurance | YES |
Members’ train fares incurred on Group business – at the cheapest possible rate only | YES |
Private car fuel costs only incurred in travelling more than 30 miles (round trip) on Group business, at a rate of 30p/mile | YES |
For each member of the Group requiring a uniform to perform the responsibilities of their role on Appointment, one item each of smart shirt or blouse; activity or smart trousers or skirt; scarf and woggle; belt. Thereafter one replacement item per year if required. Uniform claims to be approved by the GSL. We will reimburse only for items ordered from 12th Eastleigh Scout Shop. | YES |
Badges for adult uniformed members and for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts | YES |
Items purchased for use in administration of the Group – stationery, stamps etc. | YES |
Leaders Scouting training fees (if not already covered by County or District) | Consult |
Claims made without receipts | Consult |
Ad hoc gifts or donations | Consult |
Tips or gratuities paid to providers of goods and services by members on Group business | Consult |
Meals or other hospitality purchased whilst going about Group business | Consult |
Minicabs or taxis used on Group business (except for first aid emergency to uniformed children) | Consult |
Repairs to members’ vehicles damaged whilst driving on Group business | NO |
Repairs to members’ clothing or property damaged whilst on Group business | NO |
Replacement of members’ clothing or property lost or stolen whilst on Group business | NO |
Mobile telephone calls made whilst on Group business (except in case of first aid emergency to uniformed children) | NO |
Premium or full-price long-haul train fares for members on Group business | NO |
“Mileage” or wear and tear for members’ vehicles used on Group business | NO |
Parking tickets and fines relating to ANY road traffic offences incurred on Group business | NO |
*Consult and agree with Group Scout Leader, Treasurer or Executive Committee as appropriate
*Expenses incurred doing Scouting work at District or County level should be dealt with by the District or County treasurer.
*Consult and agree with Group Scout Leader, Treasurer or Executive Committee as appropriate
*Expenses incurred doing Scouting work at District or County level should be dealt with by the District or County treasurer.